Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gregory the Great - Moralia in Job

Here's the Oxford Movement translation of the whole of Gregory the Great's Moralia in Job. On the surface it's a commentary on the book of Job; within, it's a sure guide to the interior life.

Quoth the 19th century patrologist Otto Bardenhewer:

A work of far greater importance is his voluminous: Expositio in librum Job sive Moralium libri xxxv, begun by Gregory while he was legate at Constantinople, but not finished until after his election to the papacy. In the dedicatory epistle to Leander, archbishop of Seville, the author says that he will expound the Book of Job in a triple sense: the historical, allegorical, and moral. He is all too brief and sparing in the historical elucidation of the text, though the deeper speculative or contemplative sense is treated with some fulness. On the other hand, the practical application of the text of Job is carried out so exhaustively that this work was recognized at once as a thesaurus of moral theology.

  • The Epistle
    Wherein he explains the time, occasion, division, plan, and the method of discourse and of interpretation pursued in his work.
  • The First Part
    Wherein he in few words goes through the particulars, which are to be laid open in the course of the entire work.
    Book I
    The first verses of the first chapter of the Book of Job are explained first historically, then in an allegorical, and lastly in a moral sense.
    Book II
    From the sixth verse of the first chapter to the end, he follows out the exposition according to the threefold interpretation.
    Book III
    the whole of the second chapter of the book of Job is explained after the manner of the former Books, historically, allegorically, and morally.
    Book IV
    Wherein Gregory, having in the Preface set forth in few words, that the letter of Scripture is at times at variance with itself, and that the imprecations of Job, as of Jeremiah and David, cannot be understood without absurdity according to the sound which they convey, explains the words of Job in historical, mystical, and moral sense, from the commencement of the third chapter to the twentieth verse of the same.
    Book V
    He explains the remainder of chap. iii. from ver. 20. the whole of chap. iv. and the first two verses of chap. v.
  • The Second Part
    Book VI
    The whole of the fifth chapter, beginning at the third verse, is explained first in a spiritual sense, a few parts in an allegorical, and a great many in a moral sense.
    Book VII
    He explains the whole of the sixth chapter, except the three last verses, in part allegorically and in part morally.
    Book VIII
    He explains part of the sixth chapter, from verse 27, and the whole of the seventh and eighth chapters. In the course of this exposition, from verse 11, to the end of the eighth chapter, he speaks at length on the sin of hypocrisy.
    Book IX
    He explains the ninth chapter, together with the whole of the tenth.
    Book X
    The whole of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Job, and the five first verses of the twelfth, being made out, he closes the Second Part of this work.
  • The Third Part
    Book XI
    In which the twelfth chapter, from the sixth verse, the thirteenth, and the first four verses of the fourteenth, are explained, a different style heing adopted for the time.
    Wherein after the fourteenth chapter of the Book of Joh has been explained, beginning at the fifth verse, the fifteenth chapter entire is explained for the most part in a moral sense.
    Book XIII
    Wherein is contained a short exposition, moral and typical, of the sixteenth and seventeenth chapters of the Book of Job.
    Book XIV
    Wherein S. Gregory unfolds the historical, allegorical, and moral sense of the eighteenth and nineteenth chapters of the Book of Job.
    Book XV
    In which there is a brief explanation given of the twentieth and twenty-first chapters of the Book of Job.
    Book XVI
    After going through the twenty-second and twenty-third chapters of the Book of Job, and the twenty-fourth to the middle of verse twenty with a brief explanation, he brings the Third Part to a close.
  • The Fourth Part
    Book XVII
    What remains of the twenty-fourth chapter beginning from the middle of verse 20, together with chapters twenty-five and twenty-six entire, he sets forth chiefly in a moral sense.
    Book XVIII
    Contains the exposition of the twenty- seventh and twenty-eighth chapters of the Book of Job, to the twenty-first verse and half through it, after manifold senses.
    Book XIX
    The interpretation being carried on from the last part of the twenty-first verse of the twenty-eighth chapter to the twenty-first verse of the following chapter exclusive, various meanings are laid open not less learnedly than piously, chiefly concerning Christ and the Church.
    Book XX
    The five concluding verses of chapter twenty-nine of the Book of Job are more largely explained, together with the whole of chapter thirty, chiefly on the subject of heretics and carnal persons distressing the Church.
    Book XXI
    The thirty-first chapter of the Book of Job is explained to verse twenty- four, exclusive, and chastity, humility, and mercifulness being first commended, many particulars are especially taught relative to the avoiding of the occasion of sin.
    Book XXII
    All that remained of chapter thirty-one of the Book of Job is explained, and submissiveness of mind, and moderation, patience, charity, and earnest interest for those under our charge, are especially commended.
  • The Fifth Part
    Book XXIII
    The thirty-second chapter, and the thirty-third, as far as the twenty-second verse, are expounded ; in which, while Job keeps silence, Eliu, a younger person, enters on many right and sound topics, though not rightly, or with sound intention.
    Book XXIV
    The last eleven verses of the thirty-third chapter and the eighteen first verses of the thirty-fourth chapter are expounded, and striking truths are taught concerning Christ the Mediator, contemplation, the course of conversion, and the pastoral office.
    Book XXV
    In explanation of the thirty-fourth chapter from the nineteenth to the thirtieth verse, the punishments of the reprobate, and the secret judgments of God are discussed.
    Book XXVI
    The holy Doctor expounds the seven last verses of the thirty- fourth chapter, the whole of the thirty-fifth, with the first twenty-one verses of the thirty-sixth chapter ; and launches out, at very great length, into both allegorical and moral meanings.
    Book XXVII
    The last twelve verses of the thirty-sixth chapter are expounded, with the whole of the thirty-seventh, and their meanings ingeniously examined, for the sake of establishing a system of Christian doctrine, and ethics.
  • The Sixth Part
    Book XXVIII
    The first eleven verses of the thirty-eighth chapter are explained, in various senses, but especially in a moral sense.
    Book XXIX
    Twenty-two verses of the thirty-eighth chapter, from the twelfth to the thirty-third inclusive, are explained ; and many truths are taught, especially concerning the arts and snares of Satan, grace, predestination, reprobation, and the secret judgments of God.
    Book XXX
    Contains an exposition of the last eight verses of the thirty-eighth chapter, and of the same numher of the thirty-ninth : where the holy Doctor discusses very many questions in a pious and learned manner, especially concerning the preaching of the Gospel.
    Book XXXI
    The ninth, with the remaining verses of the thirty-ninth chapter, is explained, the last three only heing omitted ; and the efficacy of Divine Grace, in the preaching of the Gospel, and in the conversion of sinners, is especially demonstrated.
    Book XXXII
    The two last verses of the thirty-ninth chapter having been explained, the first fourteen verses of the fortieth chapter are expounded, and many things are taught, both concerning the infinite power of God, and the hurtful designs of Satan against men.
    Book XXXIII
    Sets forth in exposition of the fifteenth, and remaining verses of the fortieth chapter, and also of the first twelve verses of the forty-first chapter : where the various arts of the devil are exposed, and pre- destination of free grace is taught, and reconciled with free will.
    Book XXXIV
    The thirteenth, with the remaining verses of the forty-first chapter is explained, chiefly with reference to the pride of the Devil, and the most cruel persecutions of Antichrist against the Saints.
    Book XXXV
    In which many things already said are repeated in recapitulation, and this immense work is brought to a close by a most lowly confession of human infirmity.

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