Thursday, September 17, 2009

CUA Fathers: Chrysostom's homilies on the Gospel of John

Sidneian Psalms: Psalm 6

Domine, ne in furore.

Lord, lett not mee a worm by thee be shent,
      While thou art in the heate of thy displeasure;
Nor let thy rage of my due punnishment
                  Become the measure.

But mercy, Lord, lett mercy thine descend,
      For I am weake, and in my weaknes languish:
Lord, help, for ev'n my bones their marrow spend
                  With cruel anguish.

Catena aurea: Matthew 21

Butler's Lives: September 17

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sidneian Psalms: Psalm 5

Verba mea auribus.

Ponder the wordes, O Lord, that I do say,
      Consider what I meditate in me:
      O, harken to my voice which calls on thee,
My king; my God, for I to thee will pray.
      Soe shall my voice clime to thine eares betime:
For unto thee I will my praier send
      With earliest entry of the morning prime,
And will my waiting eies to thee-ward bend.

Catena aurea: Matthew 20

Butler's Lives: September 16